Friday, February 18, 2011

OWOH winners

Winners are baglady, beckie holso, kimberly r, aimee jeffries and joeyandalthea. It will be a mystery as to who gets what as after I took the photos I sealed up each ready to mail, lol. I have just finished sending emails to let them know and if for some reason I don't hear back from them I will let everyone know and pick new numbers on the 22nd. I hope everyone had fun!
I am dashing off for now.
au revoir.


  1. Yay!!! I'm thrilled to be one of your winners =)

  2. Delivery to joeyandalthea failed so I have regenerated numbers and the runner up is Lauren and an email has gone out to her. If all goes well things will be mailed out on Friday or Saturday but I will confirm this when last winner replies and items offically sent.


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