Tuesday, January 26, 2010

day 2

Welcome all to day 2 of the OWOH event!
Thanks to all who've dropped in and especially to those who've left comments. What great fun this is! If you want to participate in the chance for one of my offerings please continue to use http://msnovembertuesday.blogspot.com/2010/01/one-world-one-heart-starts-here.html as the post to leave your comment on. It is from that post I will enter the numbers into a random number generator and choose my winners on the 15th of February after 6pm. You don't have to say much, or anything really, it's just so I can identify you and have a way to get in touch with you if you are one of the lucky winners! Please remember 1 comment = 1 entry, so no more than 1 comment is needed.
So, onto other business......
Last night I walked into the corner of my office door frame, fingers first! OY!!!! My left ring finger is NOT doing well today. I don't think it's broken but it hasn't bruised yet either so....??? It however is really impeding any work I was planning on doing with clay so, UG on that. I guess I should have been expecting a new injury since I tend to be a wee bit klutzy and my last injuries from my fall are finally starting to feel better though the wrist (left one how'd you guess) is still stiff from that but hey, it's all still attached so it can't be that bad right?! I will attempt to please it with heat or ice or maybe tequila. Just joking since I don't drink and am way too lazy to bother with a pack either icy or not, lol.
I have some changes coming to my shops. Nothing earth shattering but I think it will freshen up things. Maybe that is where I'll focus myself with the finger issues since I can still do the one finger typing, lol.
Ok well in the intrests of saving my finger as much pain as I can, I'm going to stop typing now.
Play nice with each other!
blessings, peace & furry kisses

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